Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sunday Morning

at 10.00 am me and my family attending to wedding party
but i just take at i never got there before
that place so unique made me want gonna there again...

my friday to work

i just take some picture at the morning even though i got sick and fever at that time
but i'm so happy to do it with my assistant who always accompanying me in everywhere at take picture
thanks so much dear

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Last Project

last weekend i decision to take picture at the evening....
even though small lighting....should be 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

my inspiring is everyone who has smart fashion than me
i will always to learn to her and his

80's girl

 look my sister

beside hand

i know my picture not good
but i will to try again more wonderful so much
me in confusing

retro girl